Free Home appraisal
Property value

How To Boost Your Property Value?

November 26, 20225 min read

If you're like most homeowners, you're probably interested in boosting the value of your home. After all, a higher property appraisal value can mean a more significant return on investment if and when you decide to sell. So, what can you do to increase your home's appraisal value? Here are some tips to get you started.

1. Improve Your Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home is the first impression that potential buyers will get, so it's essential to make sure it looks its best. Ensure the lawn is mowed and trimmed, the bushes are trimmed and neatly shaped, and all of the dirt and leaves have been cleared away from the driveway and sidewalks. If your home has any particularly striking features (a grand entrance way, a large deck, etc.), ensure they're well-maintained and polished.

Also, make sure the paint is in good condition and doesn't need to be repainted. If your home needs a new coat of paint, consider doing it yourself to save some money.

2. Create the Right Atmosphere

The interior of your home is just as important as the exterior when it comes to appraisals. Make sure the house is clean and free of clutter. Remove all personal items like family photos, trophies, and other knock-knacks. You want potential buyers to be able to imagine themselves living in the home, and they can't do that if it's cluttered with your stuff.

You should also make sure the home is well-lit. Open up all the curtains and drapes and turn on all the lights. If your home is dark, it will look uninviting, and buyers will be less likely to want to buy it.

3. Install Energy-Efficient Features

Installing energy efficiency features like solar panels or Energy Star appliances can save you money on your energy bills and increase the value of your home. When appraisers determine the value of your home, they will consider how much money you could save on your energy bills by installing these features.

4. Compare Your Property With Others

One way to boost the value of your home is to compare it with other homes in your area that are of a similar size and age. If your home is significantly better than the average home in your area, it will be worth more. If your home is worse than the average home in your area, it won't be imperative. Some steps in this regard include:

1.     Compile a list of homes in your neighbourhood that have sold

2.     Look at their square footage and lot size

3.     Compare the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and total living area

4.     Figure out how much they were listed for initially and what they sold for to determine if you are under or overpriced

5.     Compare the features of your home to the others on the list

6.     Determine if you need to update any features or make repairs

7.     Have an appraisal done on your home to get a more accurate estimate of its value.

home cleaning

5. Deep Clean Your Home

A clean and tidy home is always more appealing to buyers than a dirty and cluttered one. Spend some time cleaning every room in your house from top to bottom. Clear away all the junk, scrub the floors and walls, and polish all furniture. You may even want to consider hiring a professional cleaner to do a deep clean of your home.

Also, make sure all of your appliances and fixtures are in good condition. Fix any broken tiles, torn wallpaper, or scratched surfaces. Buyers will be less likely to want to buy a home that needs a lot of repairs.

6. Fix Small Imperfections

One way to improve your home’s appraisal value is to fix any small imperfections and do minor repairs that may be present. This could include fixing a door that squeaks, repairing a crack in the wall, or painting over chipped paint. By taking care of these small details, you can make your home look nicer and increase its value.

7. Renovate Your Home

This is the most obvious way to increase the value of your home and will result in the greatest return on investment. A fresh coat of paint, a new roof, or updated appliances can make a huge difference in how much your home is worth.

8. Stage Your Home For Sale

Staging means arranging your furniture and decorations in a way that makes your home look its best. Potential buyers will be more likely to buy a home that looked inviting and lived in rather than one that looks like a museum.

9. Price Your Home Correctly

It’s essential to price your home realistically if you want to get the most money for it. Overpriced homes tend to sit on the market for longer and may eventually have to be reduced in price.

agent appraisal

10. Consider Using Real Estate Agents

An excellent real estate agent can help you price your home correctly, stage it for sale, and handle all of the paperwork and negotiations involved in the sale process.

11. Appeal To Potential Buyers’ Emotions

Instead of focusing on facts and figures, try to evoke positive feelings in prospective buyers by talking about the memories they could make in your home or the potential for future growth in the neighbourhood. It'll also help with increasing property value during the home appraisal process.

12. Document All of the Upgrades You've Made

If you've made any upgrades or improvements to your home in the past, be sure to document them. This can include installing a new roof or windows, adding a deck or patio, or even just painting the walls. Having this information on hand can help boost your property appraisal value and make the difference between getting a good and a bad appraisal.

These are just a few of the ways that you can boost your property appraisal value. By following these tips, you can ensure that you get the most money for your home when it comes time to sell.


Overall, boosting your appraisal value is possible with a few simple steps that we’ve outlined. By following these guidelines and being proactive in increasing your home value, you can ensure that your home will be worth more when it comes time for an appraisal. Have you tried any of these methods to increase your property appraisal value? Let us know in the comments!

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