Free Home appraisal
home estimate

Want to know how to sell your property fast & for more money?

November 26, 20224 min read

The very first step in selling your house is to know how much is it worth? A free no-obligation home appraisal is the most accurate way to determine how much your home is worth.

To know your property estimate, you need an experienced agent. An agent can give you a more accurate estimate, or you can also appraise your property yourself. But it's always a good idea to get an agent to do this for you as agents provide this service 100% free no-obligation.

So, take advantage of agents free service to value your home.

What is Home Appraisal or comparative market analysis (CMA) for your property?

An appraisal is a process of determining the market value for a home. Appraising your home will give you an unbiased opinion about how much money they can obtain for your house that matches its fair market value (FMV). As an individual or business owner,this allows you to understand your property's worth compared to other properties similar to it around the area.

How to get the best appraisal for your property?

Agents who have experience in your area are the best to work with. They know how much a house like yours should be worth and can find that magic number!

A good agent will also make sure they're working with someone whose properties you've had success selling before; this way, there's less uncertainty about value when trying to sell again on your own. Your agent must have experience dealing with similar types of properties with the same features as yours, especially if you are not sure about the value of your home.

free home appraisal

How to find experienced agents in your area?

You can do this research yourself if you have the time, but some online platforms can assist you in finding the best agents to sell your home.

Online appraisal platforms such as help you find the best agents to sell your home by providing three appraisal estimates from top-rated agents in your area, then letting users compare their assessments and make an informed decision about which agent is right for them!

Questions to ask your agent!

Once you have selected your agent to sell your property, your agent will guide you through the basic steps. Below are some points that you must ask your agent about before putting the listing on the market.

  1. Your commission fee

    You should always ask a real estate agent about their commission rates before you sign any contracts. Generally, real estate agents charge either 2 to 3% plus GST for residential sales. How much commission will you be expected to pay?
    It usually takes about 7-10 days before an agent can list your home on the market.

  2. Is Staging needed?

    Your agent will recommend you to stage your home should be ready before putting on the market. Because staging your home before selling it can increase the chance of selling faster by as much as 40%. By putting in a little bit of time, effort and money into preparing your property for sale, you are increasing your chances.

  3. Agent Marketing cost & strategies, i.e. platform they advertise?

    Each agent has its marketing strategies. Your agent will talk to you about what options are available for your specific property. Especially if you have a budget constraint, your agent can help you work out the best strategies for your home. The most popular listing websites are,,, (for digital home offers) etc.
    It is also essential to ask the agent the costs of the marketing fees to list on the market. But, of course, you can always negotiate with an agent over price if needed!

  4. What's the process for getting offers and keeping you updated on progress throughout the sale process.

    As soon as the offer is received, agents are to let homeowners in on everything. An agent should phone or write a letter immediately after getting any offers for their property and keep them updated throughout negotiations until the closing day arrives.
    Remember! Your agent can't accept a binding offer on your behalf. So if they have received an offer, the next step is to negotiate with potential buyers and discuss the price and terms of sale before accepting any offers. Closing the deal will be the final part of selling your home, but many steps come first that involves both.

  5. Asking your agent to get digital offers from platforms like can help determine how many people are interested. Digioffer is a digital platform that enables home buyers to submit their offers online. Homeowners can also see the total number of offers they have received on their property. All offers presented to the agents are written and verified.

  6. Is there a database of buyers who are ready to buy immediately

    Experienced agents have a robust database of buyers who are ready to buy immediately. This database can be tapped into to bring in potential buyers for your home.

    home estimate

    Ready to List?

    Once you're satisfied with the answers from your agent, it's time to make an agreement. Don't forget that unless they sell your property for sale and get a suitable offer on which you accept their advice - You shouldn't be paying any commissions!

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